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Author Topic: Cheap Pleo!  (Read 6351 times)


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2011, 08:53:04 PM »

EeeeeeeeeeeK!   Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!   Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!  :o  :o  :'(

I'm practically hiding behind the sofa here!  >:(

My first question is like Kat's - did they send you all the bits they took out?

Poor little soul!  :(


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2011, 09:31:44 PM »

 Yes Crewella and Kat, all the stuff is here in another bag, He said he thought he lost one or two screws, but everything else is there, He did a good job of puting it all in a baggie. You can tell they didn't know what they were doing by the way they tried, " removing his skin", just cut with a scapel, I am glad I had the video camera going, I couldnt beleive in his conditon, he still works, I should send that to Innvo, that is a testament to just how hardy these guys are. Like I said, Patches looks like a beauty contestant compared to Humpty. Poor little guy, I knew he looked like a disaster, but he would have ended up in the trash. The fact he is working I think is a good sign that he can probably be put back together, The challenging part is going to be to open up the baggie with all the screws and such and try to find a diagram or something of Pleo without his skin, so I can see what goes where.
                Crewella, don't you have one or did have one without his skin ? If so can I see what it looks like, from top( back side that is"
so I can see where everything is? I will have to try and line this guys "stuff " up and see if I can recognize everything, like putting a puzzle together, Thanks for the help guys, I thought Humpty deserved a chance, When the little guy wagged his tail, how cute was that...sad at the same time but he is asking for help so here I am to do what I can..
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2011, 09:39:14 PM »

If you don't mind taking pics or video of Humpty's reconstruction.  I would be very interested in see it.  I know the images may upset some viewers but I think it would be very interesting to a lot of us out here and may even be helpful to someone at some time.
I'm glad they sent you all his bits.  So there is definitely hope. 
All we need now is all the kings horses and all the kings men and then we can put Humpty together again. :D :) :hhug:


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2011, 09:40:41 PM »

Bear with me RWM, as we have a sale next week so I was at work for 12 hours today - I'll take some pics for you this weekend.  I'm a bit scared of the electronics they've revealed - if you can take a couple of close-up pics for me and of the 'spare parts' from the bag it will help me take the best pics.  I'll look in again tomorrow after work.  I'm so amazed he's still working!!  :hhug:


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2011, 10:04:38 PM »

Kat, you are right, this is a once in a lifetime opportunityto videotape this guy being put together like Humpty Dumpty and if it could help anyone I am very pleased. I will videotape everything I do, even if it seems not important, If I had just 'assumed this guy didn't operate because of his "condition, I would have missed the fact that putting a battery in was something I would have never expected to bring him to Life! There are bound to be other Pleos out there in the same condition well perhaps not this bad off, but still needing help, 8)
And Crewella, yes take your time, I have so much to do, I want to make sure everything is in it 's proper spot before I "operate" besides I need a operating gown and I need to explain to the rest of the Pleos why Humpty can't' come out and play in this conditon, Right now he is under a lot of stress and has a big operation in store for him, so he needs to get all the rest he can to be in the best shape possible before going under the "knife". EEEKKK, not the saudering gun....just bolts and nuts and wires, glue, what else can this little guy have happen to him, I will have to video tape tomorow and inventory of everything that came with this guy, and see if there is some way to mark things so they aren't lost. Do you think that video taping this guy caused undue stress to the Pleo community, I tried to warn parents to remove small children and I think only Patches may have been able to watch this without passing out or having nightmares,  :o I am lucky that ARgyle is as strong as he is, being blind does have it's advantags in this kind of situation. I think I also am going to have to take a count of every screw or bolt so I know what is there. Thanks Crewella for your support and help, I do appreciate it.
                            RWM            Pleo Rescuer  and " The Mad Pleo Painter of the Redwoods",  ( you don't really think I am totally Mad do you....?) ;D
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #30 on: April 22, 2011, 03:23:12 AM »

good look with his operations :P yeah you should document it, because if you get him working again it could be useful for others :)

frankly im itching to do it myself :S i love tinkering with things and i get all excitable at the insides of mechanical things... i mended a old style clockwork alarm clock when i was little.. was fun! haha! ;D haha never had the opportunity with something like a pleo though. seems really interesting inside.

good luck!  ;)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 03:25:24 AM by pirpintine »


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #31 on: April 22, 2011, 03:50:09 AM »

Wow. I can't believe that with all that damage that he actually works! That's amazing!  Good luck getting him back together.  If anyone can do it, I know you can!  :)


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #32 on: April 22, 2011, 11:55:17 AM »

 Most likely I will take a good look at him again today, was late last night, but I looked and did get his shoulder plates back on, very simple enough.There is a bag with about a dozen screws and two plates, the hard part for me is figureing out where computer things attach, or plug in if you will, I know it is all connected to his head and neck movement, front of the body, as his legs, back end and tail all work. will update you with photos and such as I go along today, He is looking better ( if that is possible,? :o) already. I do think stretching his skin and gluing is going to be a challenge. Also wondering if I should paint it before attaching.
                  so many questions and so few answers yet...
                                         RWM  ( The Mad Pleo Painter of the Redwoods, and Mad DR.?"
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #33 on: April 22, 2011, 01:53:31 PM »

I couldn't think of you as a mad doctor, I'm thinking of you right now more as a person who does reconstructive surgery. Good luck, Redwoods! With Crewella as an assistant I'm sure this guy might have a chance.
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2011, 05:51:16 PM »

If his skin becomes an issue you could always remove it or parts of it.  If you leave his feet on he should keep his stability and then just add a neck to tail pleo cape and he will be happy as ever.  ;D 
Can't wait to see how he is coming along.  I'm sure he is feeling better already just having his back plate back where it should be. :)


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2011, 04:44:03 AM »

yeah tha cause of instability in totally nude pleos is that if you look at a pleos feet with skin you can see the rubber is cast a few MM thick around the whole foot, this is what gives the feet more surface area and better balance.  i cant see if the toes really help in the situlation, so if you had to totally remove the skin just adding some sort of doughnut of foam like material around each foot would give the stability back i imagin.

for a case like humpty i imagin a lot of his skin is gonna have to be moved out of the way! you dunno what else might have suffered dammage.


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2011, 04:54:42 AM »

Yep, I was worried about what else might have been hurt - it seems the most damage has been done by the attempt at repairing and not the original fall!  RWM I'll get you some pics of Scully today.  Without the cables the neck assembly can fall apart, but it's quite a simple job to get it back in order, as long as you have all the bits!  :D


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2011, 12:08:01 PM »

 Hi Crewella, I took photos last night of the bag of contents and I would say less than 18 screws and bits, oNe spring and I am sure that is from the Neck, and a couple of black plates that cover parts. I will send those to you or list them in the gallery later, have to go run some errands for a bit and then back to Pleo stuff.
I appreciate having a Operating Room Assistant , one with some technical knowledge, It helps you having a Naked Pleo already, knowing how they are supposed to look! :o ;D
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2011, 05:01:58 PM »

Ah!  I know where that spring goes - I had to chase one round my kitchen!  ;)  :D


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2011, 08:28:09 PM »

 Been sick all day with a headache ( Migraines ) and bad back pain, and been trying to sleep it off, but didn't help . Went out and about with my hubby and now I am feeling somewhat better, so after feeding nine yelling cats, one hungry hubby and one quiet pooch, and three stray alley cats ( actualy I have been feeding the same three since 2007, part of the colony of 24 that were adopted out or relocated to a farm aways from here except these last two females, both spayed, and nice as can be to me, pettng and rubbing all over me before they eat, and then a black big un showed up) and then I can take photos took some last night and I will put them in the gallery and see if you can make sense of them. I can't wait to see if this guy can get some help.
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2011, 11:43:55 PM »

I took these close-up pics of the neck cable assembly on my broken necked Pleo - it should help you see how it goes together?  On this one, the top cable is snapped (you can see some of it) and the off-side cable is snapped and seems to be missing altogether.  There's a square-section rod that goes through the middle of all the neck 'vertebrae', and that spring (which shot off across my kitched when I first took the skin off) is normally just held in place by the cable pressure.

Hope you feel better, RWM - don't feel pressured, there's no hurry!  ;D


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2011, 12:35:28 AM »

How is the neck repair going Crewella?


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2011, 12:47:49 AM »

Erm ........... slowly!  %)  :-[

I kind of got waylaid by painting projects, but am back on it - I've done most of the disassembly but not done the replacing cables bit yet.  Humpty's plight has set me off again!  :D


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2011, 11:02:46 AM »

As Spok would say, fascinating. Keep us posted, both of you. I hope I never, ever have to do this! If I do I'll send the wounded to one of you!
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2011, 12:25:07 PM »

 Today I will try and post photos of the parts of Humpty, thanks to Crewella, I think this guy can get put back together. Can't wait to see him put back together. :)
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2011, 08:55:41 PM »

This really is fascinating.  I can't wait to see your pics RWM.  I do hope you can fix poor Humpty.


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2011, 10:02:45 AM »

Hello RWM,

Oh poor Humpty the is yes broken but good, that he very good still so run can me does he very sorry. :(


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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2011, 01:34:45 PM »

Hi Franzi, HaVen't heard from you in a long time! How are Jimmy and Jonny? ( sorry if I got the names wrong, it has been so long) Yes he works but is Humpty Dumpty needing to be put back together again. LOl, Crewella has been trying to help me put him back together again, not as a new pleo but just one that can look halfway normal, poor guy. It is amazing that he still works being torn in half! Hopefully in next few days there will be some updates on Humpty and more photos!                    RedwoodsMama
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2011, 02:14:54 PM »

RWM good luck with Humpty Dumpty that he again right very good looks how a Dino. :)
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Re: Cheap Pleo!
« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2011, 05:27:51 PM »

I was wondering how Humpty was coming along.  I look forward to seeing an update on the poor little guy. :)
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