Pleo Stuff > Pleo Experiences

New Pleo owners FAQ Version 1.0

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That's great work IMR - it was needed, too!  Thanks! ;D

Any suggestions from Pleo RB owners for things that need to be added to the FAQ? I added in the exact type of Pledge to use and I also added in a quick note on the clock battery, and how to insert it. Oh and I shall also add a note on what to do if your Pleo starts snoozing at odd times.

 Great thread IMR and very useful to all Pleo owners whether it is Pleo Ubobe, Innova 2009 or the new Pleo Rb. Just one quick question, haven't read it in the manual yet, but what operating system is installed in Pleo Rb? I actually had someone email me yesterday from the battery sales I do, asking how they could install the Operating system 2:0, so is 1.1 installed in Pleo Rb?
                             Happy Holidays,       RedwoodsMama

no one knows what OS is installed on the pleo rb's as it does not say anywhere what version it is.  There will be an update for it in the next couple of days on pleoworld though so maybe they will label it then and then we will know.  I do think it is different to the OS's that are available for older pleos as the rb's have different functions that wouldn't be catered for in the older OS's.

As Kat says, with the additional features added to Pleo RB I'd guess the old OS series are no longer relevant and that the RB would run a version of its own.  Can't wait to see what they do with it!  ;D


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